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We’ll handle all the complex mathematics behind getting visitors to click on your ads and create links to your business on Google for free! No need for any past experience or knowledge – we’ll take care of all the complicated stuff so you can focus on what matters.

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Why choose 7 Peaks Digital Marketing (7PDM) for Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing - 7 Peaks Digital Marketing

Get on the first page

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Traffic from Google is one of the most valuable sources of traffic to your website. 7PDM helps you to be found online by advertising with Google for your company. Our PPC experts create links to your business on Google.

SEM that does the work for you!

Convinces customers to click on your ads, without having to do any of the hard work. We know how to best optimize your search engine marketing campaign.

Sound too good to be true? Give us a try!

Search Ads

Google’s “Search Ads” is the company’s advertising system for search results, which uses keywords to match ads to search queries.  Search Ad allows advertisers to show ads on on its search engine on its domains and mobile applications.

The Search Ads system allows Google to keep track of the keywords that are used in Google searches, and then use this data to determine whether an ad should be triggered. Advertisers can upload different ads for specific types of products, and place these ads on websites to get clicks.

Google Search Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) service that was launched in 2006 by Google. This service is an online form of advertising that allows advertisers to highlight their business in the search results pages when someone does a Google search for certain keywords or phrases that are related to their business.

This type of advertising is popular among advertisers because they only pay when someone clicks on the ad.

Search Ads - Search Engine Marketing

Display Ads

Display Ads

Google Display Ads is a google advertising service that’s used to promote websites and other pages on the internet. Users pay every time someone clicks on their ad.

A keyword can be used to control which ads are shown for specific searches or pages on google search engine or google display network. Google Display Ads are a form of digital advertising where ads are shown on a website based on the content being viewed.

The goal of these ads is to increase user engagement and generate a higher number of conversions. The “Display Network” is Google’s network of websites that serves as a distribution channel for Display Ads.

The Display Network includes more than 2 million websites from around the world, including some from outside the company’s family of products such as YouTube, Gmail, Google News and Blogger. There are two main types of ads that can be served through Display Ads: text-based and image-based.

Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads are advertisements that show up on Google’s search engine when someone searches for a product. These ads are created by merchants, who create ads based on keywords. The ads can be created manually or with the help of an ad platform.

Individuals have the option to set up Google Shopping Ads for their business by filling out a form that provides information about their products, prices, and shipping. The system then automatically determines which keywords are relevant to the products being offered by the seller.

The potential of these ads is huge: according to an article published in Entrepreneur, they account for 25% of US e-commerce and 4% of global retail sales.

Shopping - Search Engine Marketing


Search Engine Marketing - remarketing

Google remarketing ads are a type of online advertising that allow marketers to show ads to people who have visited their website or used their app. These ads can appear on different websites, based on the person’s past browsing behavior, and they give a sense of familiarity and relevance to potential customers who have already been interested in a product.

There are two types of Google remarketing ads:

-In-market audiences

-Remarketing audiences

In-market audiences are those people who have previously shown some interest in your product but haven’t made a purchase yet. They’re looking for your product, and you want them to find it. Remarketing audiences are those people who have visited your site or used your app at least once before – even if they never made a purchase.

Discovery Ads

Google Discovery Ads is an interactive in-stream ad experience that offers businesses to engage with users in a more interactive way. Google Discovery Ads are available on smartphones and tablets, and they are served in the context of the user’s search or YouTube video watching habits.

Advertisers can set up a campaign in Discovery Ads by selecting keywords that they want to be matched against. They can also set up their campaign for people whose interests are similar to those keywords which they have selected. They will then start receiving bids from Google’s ad exchange partners who agree to show their ads for that keyword.

The bidders will then compete with each other, and the advertiser chooses one bid for which they want their ads shown on Google Search and YouTube Videos. This is shown as an auction-style system where advertisers will pay less when they bid on more relevant keywords.

discovery ads - Search Engine Marketing

YouTube Ads

Youtube Ads - SEM

YouTube Ads are an effective way to reach customers. While some people still think of YouTube as a place for videos, it has evolved into more than just video hosting platform.

YouTube Ads are becoming more popular because they’re affordable and result oriented. The ads can be created by marketers without any knowledge of coding, making them easy to implement for small businesses. Advertisers create ads that are displayed on YouTube and viewers watch these ads before their video plays.

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing website in the world with over 1.5 billion monthly active users. YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world, right after Google. YouTube has more than 20 million advertisers and over 6 billion dollars in ad revenue each year.

3rd Party Ads (Native)

Native ads are ads that are built to fit in with the design, look and feel of the platform they are on. These ads work well because they blend in with the content of a website or app.

A native ad is a type of online ad that matches the design and function of the site where it appears. They may be text, images or audio or video clips embedded in articles, blogs or social media posts. Native ads can also take shape as interactive elements like quizzes, polls, games, videos etc.

If done well, these types of advertisements can be very persuasive and draw more attention than traditional banner ads that interrupt people who are just trying to read articles.

Native ads are an advertising method that are designed to fit seamlessly with the content of the website on which they are placed. They are often indistinguishable from other elements on a page, such as images, article headlines, or links.

3rd party ads

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

The Google Ad Network is a vast and complex system of ads that are served up to end users. It is a service that enables advertisers to place their ads on some of the most popular sites on the internet.

Google has recently launched its Google Ad Manager, which is a tool that helps advertisers manage their ad campaigns by automating tasks and providing insights on performance. The amount an advertiser pays for this right is based on how much traffic they expect their ad to generate.

Google ads, or more commonly known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is the most prevalent form of online advertising. It is also the least expensive form of advertising and can be very profitable if done correctly.

Bing Ads is a digital marketing platform that is powered by Microsoft. Bing Ads is the only online advertising platform designed to enable businesses of all sizes to market their products and services on both desktop and mobile. Bing Ads also offers advanced targeting, powerful analytics, and cross-channel reporting capabilities for advertisers.

However, at an average over 87% of online search in North America, over 91% in Europe and 98% in India happen on Google and the balance space is shared between Bing, Yahoo and DuckduckGo. So, in terms of appearing in front of the majority audience it is still not relevant.

In course of time, if it gains any significant share, advertisers may move to it.

*Source – https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share

The internet is completely flooded with advertisements. From banners to pop-ups, you can find ads anywhere you go online. And not just that, there are also in-app ads that pop up when you least expect them.

We live in a world where people are bombarded by ads all day long. Yet, surprisingly, people still click on these online advertisements. Why do they click on these ads? We can’t be sure for sure because there are so many different reasons why people would click an ad.

Studies report up to 5% CTR (Click Through Rate) on Search Ads and upto nearly 2% average CTR on Display and Shopping Ads and since you are charged on the number of clicks, it is beneficial to go for it.

For arguments sake we can ask, how many eyeballs captured through TV Ads and Print Ads actually go enquire about the product? There is no data to suggest it uniformly, however the cost to return ratio cannot be scaled down as well as in Digital Ads.

Short answer – “No” and the longest answer – “It depends”. Since the target audience is defined, the cost of spillover is reduced and hence the overall cost of advertising is lower.

However, if the target audience spectrum is too narrow by demographics and geography, the cost per target increases. But even then, the cost is low since number of targets are lower.

In essence the cost is lower than running a campaign on TV or print with multiple insertions. You can arrive at an acceptable ROI in the long run. The indicators of success can also be determined on the go with context to messaging, offer, targeting, budgeting, and competition.

It takes about 3-4 weeks of running an ad campaign on Google to see the first results of the campaign.

There are two types of campaigns that we can run: a Search Network campaign and a Display Network campaign. The time it takes to get results from each of these campaigns depends on how much we spend on them and how relevant their content is.

Google ad campaigns are a great way to generate leads. It may take days or even weeks for you to see results depending on the quality of your ads and how much you are willing to spend on them.

This is because Google’s Ads platform is auction-based, meaning that advertisers who bid higher prices get more impressions for their ads and thus, more clicks. If you want your campaign’s results to start showing sooner, you can increase your bids and get more clicks quicker.

Physical products are an important part of the retail industry. Retailers can use shopping ads to promote items that are on sale or heavily discounted, but these types of ads should only be used sparingly as they will make shoppers think that the store only has a few good deals.

Search ads are great for physical goods since shoppers can find what they’re looking for without having to search through multiple pages of results.

Display Ads are seen on various other forms of media other than just search engines like web pages, television screens, mobile apps. These ads appear on websites or applications where people spend time browsing content or using features like sign up.

YouTube Ads are popular because they allow you to capture attention of potential customers with short videos which also helps build trust between the customer and company since they can see their orders as they come in.

A popular type of ads for retailers is product discovery ads, which can be targeted to people who are looking for specific products. They also offer the opportunity to target by interests and demographics.

The answer depends on the company, what they do and who their target market is. It is not something that you should just jump into without knowing what you’re doing.

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing revolves around generating qualified sales leads and driving inbound traffic to the website. This strategy is primarily focused on driving qualified, inbound traffic to the site that converts into potential customers.

Search marketing is an important facet of B2B marketing because it usually generates qualified traffic and can be used to increase your brand awareness.

If it’s a small company, they may find themselves spending too much money and time on it when they should be investing in other areas. They may not have the resources or time for content marketing or distribution.

On the other hand, if it’s a medium sized company with access to marketing budgets, people and skillsets then yes they should invest in Search Marketing because it gives them more return on investment than any other type of marketing channels.

The answer to this question is yes! If you are a business that offers services then you should be advertising on Google’s Ads, especially if your target audience is online or on mobile devices.

Google ads are an excellent way for businesses to advertise their services. That said, it is important that they choose the right type of ad that will reach the audience they are looking for, and use comprehensive targeting strategies to ensure they are reaching their desired customers.

Businesses using Google Ads should also consider the different types of advertising available on Google, such as search ads or display ads, so that they can find the most effective form of advertising for their business. Businesses should have a strong understanding of how often their target audience searches Google to find the service they offer.

SEO and advertising can be a good way to promote your business on Google.

There are many factors that determine which strategy will work best for your business when it comes to advertising on Google. But in general, it is a good idea to do both when possible. The best way to do so is by combining both of these strategies together. If you do, you are more likely to have better results.

“Google Ads” – a great way to generate new leads for your company. With the help of these ads, you can have a higher chance of conversion rates and more exposure for your company with just one click. This is an easy way that you can increase the exposure of your brand and generate more revenue through clicks on advertisements.

SEO is a complex way to promote your business on Google. It takes time and patience, but it can pay off more than advertising in the long-run.

Both advertising and SEO can be very effective for your business. It all depends on what you’re looking to achieve and how much time and money you’re willing to invest.