We develop Content that works for you...

Our team of writers, designers, developers and more are waiting to get your content idea off the ground. Whether it involves blog posts, articles, infographics or videos – we can shape it into something amazing.

Get in touch today and let’s create magic…

Why choose 7 Peaks Digital Marketing (7PDM) for Content Development?

Why choose 7 Peaks Digital Marketing for Content Development

A digital marketing agency that thinks different

7 Peaks Digital marketing (7PDM) is your digital partner that’s committed to delivering high-quality content for any project you’re working on. We believe in creative storytelling, and personal branding.

You do great work; we'll do the rest

We believe in providing you with all the resources you need so you can focus on doing what you do best – creating great work!

Website Copy

One of the most important parts of your website is the content. It helps users find what they are looking for and gives them a good impression of your business. This can be achieved by focusing on quality, relevance, and currency.

Websites have been a crucial part of any company’s marketing strategy for many years. This is because customers tend to do research about the company before they decide whether or not to buy their products. In order to ensure that customers get the most out of their website, there are a number of things that need to be done.

A well-written website content is not enough to get the right results. You need to make sure that you are updating it regularly with new information about your business.

Website Copy - Content - 7PDM

First, the business should provide detailed information about what they sell and how it can help customers. Along with this, a business should include contact details and links to social media pages in order for potential customers to follow them on various platforms.

Finally, one needs to make sure that there are links back from their website content back up the homepage in order for people who land on other pages from searching engines or social media sites can easily navigate back up.

Blog Posts

Blog posts - 7PDM

A blog can be a place for you to share your personal and professional thoughts and opinions with the world. You can blog about anything that interests you: gardening, cars, music, movies, books, pets, travel destinations…

Blog posts are usually written in a conversational tone. This is because blogs are usually designed for people to read on the internet. Your blog writing may be formal or informal depending on how you want your readers to perceive you and what your blogs about.

Blogs can be used by businesses to communicate with their customers, and they can also be used as a form of marketing.

Types of blog posts:

  • List Posts: list about items that have been mentioned in the post
  • How to Posts: provide steps that the reader could take to complete an action or improve themselves in some way.
  • Opinion Posts: express one’s opinions, insights, and ideas about a topic, product, service, experience etc.
  • News Articles: articles about current events and news stories.
  • Case Studies: provides background information on how an individual or company solved a problem and how it impacted them and others


Article writing is a form of online content writing. It is a popular and effective way to share expertise and knowledge with the world. The web article’s format and style can be as varied as one’s imagination. The web article is not just for the internet, however, as many companies publish such articles on brochures, newsletters, and social media posts.

Articles are pieces of content that are published on popular websites, usually in the form of blog posts. They can be written by experts or experts in the field for the website’s audience. Web articles provide information to readers on recent developments, news stories, and general topics.

Article - Content Development - 7PDM

Web articles typically range in length from 500 words to 5000 words. Web articles are often self-published by the business for educational purposes about their services, products, industry, etc., however they can be used as marketing content by businesses looking to bolster their SEO efforts through strategic backlinks and social media engagement with followers and customers alike.


infographics - 7 Peaks Digital marketing

Infographics are images that contain data and information in a graphic representation. They are usually designed to be easily shared and distributed on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Infographics can be found in many shapes and sizes. They can include text, graphics or both.

An infographic is an excellent way to share data visually with clarity and eloquence. It’s a great tool to help you get your point across to an audience in a way that they will remember it better than if you just gave them a bunch of words on a page.

Infographics have become so popular because they break down complex topics into something more manageable for readers. They also provide readers with something that they can scan while retaining the information being communicated while being visually engaging while doing so

The most common reason for people to use infographics is to communicate complex information in a clear and understandable way.

  • An infographic can be stunning, colorful and visually appealing.
  • Infographics are a great way of getting your message across and the best part is that it’s less expensive than video content.
  • Infographics can be used for anything from teaching people how to cook a new dish, to providing information on an upcoming event.


Videos are a great way to get your message across if you want to go beyond the standard written word. Especially when it comes to social media.

The thing with videos is that they don’t require readers and viewers to read and watch through them respectively. They can be watched and understood in one sitting.

Videos are an excellent way for brands to connect with their audience in a personal way. We all love watching videos, but they can also be used for marketing purposes.

Videos can be an excellent tool when it comes to branding and marketing campaigns, they help in reaching the target audience, and they save on cost and time spent on production.

Videos - 7PDM

Research has shown that consumers who watch videos are likely to purchase the product or service being advertised in the video. Videos are also good for educating consumers about products or services being offered by the company.

Videos have become a popular form of content on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram etc., which is why more and more businesses are investing in video content.

They’re also a lot more fun than text which makes for an engaging experience for viewers that can lead to increased interaction on your website or blog. Finally, they’re really easy to create, store, and share – all of which are important factors in the content marketing game these days.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Content Development

Content marketing is an investment in interpersonal relationships.

Content marketing is a strategy that involves the creation and distribution of media (text, images, and videos) with the intention of driving profitable customer action. It can be used to build awareness for your business or product, educate prospects about your products or services, and encourage conversions.

Some companies use content marketing as their primary form of digital marketing because it builds customer loyalty by providing them with useful information. It also allows them to create an emotional connection with customers which helps retain them for longer periods of time.

The process can vary from one company to another, but it typically starts with a small team who knows their customers best. They create content that solves problems for customers. This content is then distributed on a variety of channels such as social media, email newsletters, blogs and websites in order to reach the target audience.

There are many benefits of using this marketing strategy including: creation of a positive brand image, providing valuable information for prospects/customers that they might not be able to get elsewhere or at least not so quickly or easily; building trustworthiness through transparency; attracting new prospects/customers by meeting their needs; creating additional revenue.

We should not underestimate the power of content. Content marketing is all about reaching out to your target audience in order to create a connection with them. It’s about providing value to the person viewing the content on the other end.

Content is the king in this digital era. It is one of the most important parts of an online marketing campaign. Content Development is the process of creating and updating content for a website or blog. It can also be called as Content Creation, Content Editing, and Content Marketing.

The components of content development include:

Establishing goals and objectives

Establishing objectives and goals for your content is the first step to creating a successful strategy. These objectives and goals should align with your business or company’s objectives and goals. By establishing these, you can then measure the success of your content by how well it achieves these objectives and goals.

Planning the message

Think about the audience you are trying to reach, what they need, and what they want. When developing content for your target audience, you should focus on how your product or service can solve their problem or satisfy their need.

Determining the best medium to use to communicate with your audience

The best medium for you to use will depend on the type of information that you are trying to share. If you are looking for something simple, it would be best to choose a medium that uses less text, such as video. This way the audience can absorb all of the information in a short period of time, and then they will be able to process the message before it leaves their minds.

On the other hand if your message is more complex or requires detail explanation, then it would be better to use text-based media. This way your audience can take their time processing everything you have said and give feedback accordingly. The best medium to communicate with your audience depends on the nature of your business and the needs of your customers.

However, there are some important steps you can take to make sure you are making the right decision. For example, know what is most relevant to consumers in your industry. What are they reading? What are they talking about? What are their preferences on social media channels?

Different mediums have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, social media gives brands the opportunity to communicate with a large audience on a regular basis. However, it is important to consider that some people might not want to use social media for their personal and work life and they would prefer to turn away from this digital world.

Some companies find that they can still generate more buzz by releasing content on certain platforms such as blogs or videos because the audience is already there. The best way for companies to determine what’s best for their company is by assessing which of these mediums will give them the best return on investment (ROI)

Gathering research material including both qualitative and quantitative information

The research process should be divided into three stages. The first stage is to collect qualitative data, which can be obtained through interviews, observations, or depth-interviews. The second stage is to collect quantitative data by using surveys or experiments. Finally, the third stage is to synthesize the information that has been collected and find specific patterns within it. This synthesis will inevitably lead to new findings and conclusions.

Research is key to any success in the writing world. Writers need to know what they are talking about and, more importantly, who will be reading their content. That’s why writers should always do research before they start writing. They need to know all of the facts and statistics that will be included in their writing and make sure they are correct.

The most common types of research material include: qualitative information (e.g., interviews, observational studies) and quantitative information (e.g., surveys, experiments). Qualitative research is usually used to gain understanding with a small number of people, while quantitative research is usually used for larger groups or as a general measure of public opinion or behavior – such as measuring the level of unemployment in a country at a given time period.

Writing copy for your target audience in a manner that will engage them with your brand message.

Successful copywriting is the art of writing content that will capture the attention of your audience and persuade them to take certain actions. Your copy should be tailored for your target audience. Your message should resonate with them, and it should have a clear call-to-action (CTA).

As you write, think about how to make your message memorable. For example, beginning with an intriguing question or story; using an interesting statistic; or illustrating a point with an analogy. The content you produce can help your business grow through customer acquisition, conversions, and customer retention.

It is important to write copy that speaks to your target audience; however, it is also important to write copy that resonates with them on a personal level. This doesn’t mean you should water down your sales message. You should be sure to include your product or service’s features, benefits, and use cases in the copy you write for your target audience. It also means providing additional detail about how these features will make their lives better.

Some things you can do to ensure you are writing for your target audience are:

– Researching what they like and dislike about your industry, company or product.

– Writing from a point of view similar or close enough to their own so they feel as if they are reading something from someone who understands them.

– Keeping their location, age, gender, education level and other demographics in mind when writing different kinds of content – such as blog posts, social media updates or email subject lines.

In the digital age, it is more difficult than ever to gain a user’s attention. In order to get noticed, brands have to come up with new and innovative content continuously.

A brand needs to produce high-quality content that is not only relevant but also engaging. The content should be updated regularly and have a clear purpose so that brands can get their message across, engage their audience and increase sales.

This way they will be able to stay ahead of the competition and make sure that they are staying relevant with their customers. Finally, here are some of the reasons why developing content continuously is important:

– It helps brands stay relevant with their customers

– It can shape customer perceptions about a company or product

– It assists businesses in reaching its target audience more efficiently by using various communication channels

A lot of people think that there is no need to invest in content marketing because it doesn’t provide a direct ROI. However, we should not forget about the indirect benefits for investing in content marketing and building a strong online presence.

Every brand should spend some time on understanding what it wants to achieve with its content efforts. It should then identify the content types that will help it achieve these goals, and start developing content accordingly. A brand can get started with content development by understanding what they want their audience to know and do about the product.

The next step would be to focus on what’s available and how to provide it in a way that will resonate with the target audience. Content should also be written for the purpose of engagement, consideration, or conversion, while following any branding guidelines or style guides.

Content strategists should ask themselves questions like “What is the overall message I want my content to convey?” “How can my content help solve customer problems?” “What type of content am I producing?”

These are essential questions that should be answered before starting any project.

Efficient content development is the key in order to get more sales leads. The reason for this is that content marketing can help in acquiring new customers, increasing customer engagement and developing customer loyalty. This in turn can lead to increased sales leads.

Content development is an important aspect of any SEO strategy. It helps to improve the quality of your website and drive incremental sales leads. A study by HubSpot found that 61% of people say they will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load and 76% say they expect a page to load in 2 seconds or less.

It’s not just about generating web traffic or boosting social media shares – it’s about creating compelling content that ranks high on search engines. And the way to do that? It’s by investing smartly in efficient content development so you can build your SEO strategy and grow your business.

Organized content development can lead to higher business volume. Organized content development can lead to higher business volume by giving you an edge over your competitors. This way, you are able to attract customers with bespoke products or services that are tailored for their needs.

Organized content development also helps give new clients a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness since your company will have clarity of information on its website. This, in turn, leads them into doing business with you instead of your competitors who have messy websites that are not well-organized.