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NO Nonsense Landing Pages that work: 10 Helpful Tips

NO Nonsense Landing Pages that work

What is a Landing Page and How Can It Help You?

A landing page is a single web page that displays when a user clicks on a search ad or an online advertisement.

Landing pages are designed with the goal of persuading visitors to take the desired action, whether that is signing up for a product, making a purchase, or giving up their email address. An effective landing page is clear and concise in its message. It doesn’t have any extraneous information that may confuse or distract the visitor from the call to action.

Landing pages are often used by marketers and advertisers as the first step in the marketing funnel for increasing leads and customer acquisition.

Types of Landing Pages and Why They Matter

Landing pages are the first interaction between your business and your potential customers. You have one chance to make a good first impression with them, so it is important to make sure that you are using the right type of landing page for your needs.

There are many different types of landing pages that you can use for your company. Some examples include:

Landing pages are one of the most effective means by which you can get your website visitors interested in your offer. For instance, if you are promoting an eBook, you can create an attractive landing page with an eBook form where visitors get it for free after filling up their contact details.

10 Tips on Developing a NO Nonsense Landing Page

i. Identify Your Goals for the Landing Page – What are you trying to accomplish?

A successful landing page should be able to create a desire for the product and leave the visitor with a sense of urgency. Landing pages are designed to give visitors a specific purpose: to make them want your product and convince them that they need it right now.

It is important to identify your goals for the landing page before you design or select a template. The key to the success of your landing page is in the five Ws: who, what, when, where and why.

If you’re looking for more information about our service but don’t want to be contacted by us or any other agency then choose “No contact” for “Who.” If you’re a one-person company and sales are very high with no room for growth then choose “One person company” as “What.”

Lastly, specify the date range with “Only show ads that have been created within this time frame” if you’re looking for more qualified traffic with a specific time constraint.

ii. Determine Your Target Audience – Who are you targeting with this campaign?

The idea behind targeting an audience is to focus on the needs of a specific group of people. This can be achieved by looking at who they are, what their needs are, and how they want to be communicated with. Different people have different wants and needs so it’s important to know your target audience’s preferences. This will help you create better landing pages that will resonate with them more.

A successful landing page should have features that appeal to your target audience. For example, the layout should be attractive, content should be relevant and targeted, and advertisements should match the culture or values of the site’s visitors.

Your target audience is the people you want to be reading your website content and clicking through to the next level. The goal of your landing page is to get them motivated and ready to sign up for your service, download a whitepaper, or buy a product.

The first step in determining your target audience is understanding who you want to sell to. This will inform the way you should structure your landing page, what language should be used, and what tone should be taken.

iii. Choose a Relevant & Engaging Headline – What is the main value proposition of your offer?

The headline is arguably one of the most important parts of any landing page. It is the first thing that potential customers see and will be the deciding factor in whether or not they should proceed with your offer.

A compelling headline can make all the difference when it comes to getting leads for your business. A study found that 55% of people will click on a product if it has a descriptive, engaging headline. So what are some tips for creating an effective headline? Use action words like “create”, “get”, “start”, and “choose” to grab attention; use numbers for statistics; create lists; get specific with benefits, and call out one particular benefit.

The headline is one of the most important parts of a landing page. It should be engaging and relevant to what you’re offering. A few things to keep in mind when writing headlines are that they should be short, simple, and easy to read. The headline should also contain keywords that will help attract visitors with similar interests.

iv. White Space Over Wording – Keep your copy simple and concise by using white space effectively.

One of the most important features of a landing page is white space. White space is the blank or empty part of a webpage that is not filled with text or graphics. The purpose of white spaces on landing pages is to provide users with a clear and unobstructed view of the company, product, service, etc.

Designers are often tempted to use a lot of text on their pages in order to get the message across. This is an outdated strategy that users are not likely to respond well to. Instead, it is better to use white space in order to give the page a clean feel and let the user’s attention focus on specific areas.

v. Good Design Matters – Make sure your landing page looks professional and well-designed

Your landing page is your first impression for your audience. This is where they will decide whether to sign up for your email list, follow you on social media, or maybe even buy something from you.

A landing page should be easy to understand, look professional and be well-designed.

The first step towards making sure that your landing page looks perfect is to establish a goal for it. What do you want the person who visits the page to do? You can use this goal as a guide to make sure that everything else on the page fits with it and sends the right message.

The more professional your landing page looks, the more likely it will be to get attention.

There are many elements you can use to make your landing page look more professional, such as:

Make sure to also focus on user experience. The easier it is for people to find what they need on the landing page the better.

vi. Lower page loading time

Page load time refers to the amount of time it takes for a web page to fully load all its contents. It is often measured in seconds, with the metric being recorded as “page load time” or “time to first byte”. A high-quality landing page should have a loading time of fewer than 3 seconds.

vii. Must Must Must be Mobile Responsive

Mobile responsive landing pages are becoming more important as time goes on. This is because mobile devices are becoming the primary source of web browsing.

Mobile responsive landing pages are designed to provide an optimal viewing experience on all types of screens, from small smartphone screens to large desktop monitors. To make your website mobile responsive, you need to first make sure that your code is right and cross-browser compatible.

Then you need to focus on the content of the page and how it appears on different sized screens. The last step is optimizing your images for mobile viewing these include optimizing them for size, using progressive JPEGs or WebP encoding for larger files, and applying the correct dimensions to every image.

viii. Clear CTA at multiple placements

The landing page will need to provide a clear CTA at multiple placements. The placement of these CTAs will depend on the user’s behavior and the stage of their conversion funnel. A conversion funnel typically has five stages: top of the funnel, middle of the funnel, the bottom of the funnel, final confirmation and after purchase.

The top-of-the-funnel stage is characterized by low engagement rates with content, so it is best to have information about your product or service on this page. This page should focus on providing information about your product or service rather than trying to convert visitors into buyers.

The middle of the funnel is where users are just getting more engaged with your business and are showing more interest in what you have to offer. They are usually looking for information about how your company and services will help them and their needs.

ix. Have Multiple Landing Pages

You should always have more than one landing page and use your analytics to find out which one is the most popular. If you are using too many people to get leads then you can use landing pages to segment them into different lists. This way, you can target the leads that are the most likely to buy from you.

It is difficult to create a perfect landing page for all audiences. That is why it is important to have multiple landing pages for different purposes and audiences.

x. Limited Fields of entry for the end user

End-users may be hesitant to enter their data into your website if they feel like they are not getting the value in return. Keep your form as limited as possible and only input fields that need to be filled out. Ask for personal information and sensitive data only when it is absolutely necessary.

Limited fields of entry for the end-user means that only certain information needs to be gathered from visitors in order for them to become customers. The limited fields of entry keep things less complicated than they would be otherwise.

Conclusion: The Importance of Using Conversion Optimized Landing Pages in Your Marketing Campaigns

Landing pages are the first page the visitor encounters when they navigate to a website. These are specially designed pages where the sole purpose is to convert visitors into customers. The goal of any landing page is to create a sense of urgency for the customer by enticing them, explaining what they will get, and even showing them how much time is left before the offer expires.

Landing pages can be effective when it comes to conversion rates. Knowing how to design them well, with the right amount of copy and images, can increase conversions significantly.

Companies have been using A/B testing for some time now in order to maximize the conversion rates on landing pages. These tests are simple because all that is needed is two different versions of the same page with slight variations in design or copy between them.

We at 7 Peaks Digital Marketing (7PDM) can help develop functional, attractive and most importantly – converting landing pages for your business, Feel free to contact us and take the conversion forward.

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